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What kind of scarring results from a nose job?


What kind of scarring results from a nose job?


Usually during a nose job, incisions are placed inside the nasal cavities where they are not visible after surgery. However, do expect drainage, swelling (both internal and external), and numbness, and the feeling of a “stuffy nose” after reshaping (rhinoplasty).


Usually, incisions are placed inside the nasal cavities where they are not visible after surgery. However, do expect drainage, swelling (both internal and external), and numbness, and the feeling of a “stuffy nose” after reshaping (rhinoplasty). What can be done about stretch marks? Other than exercising or removing the affected skin, nothing surgically can be done for existing stretch marks. What is the difference between a Plastic Surgeon and a Cosmetic Surgeon? Plastic Surgeons receive 4 years of medical school training, 3-5 years of General Surgery training, and an additional 2-3 years of Plastic Surgery training. Cosmetic Surgeons may be trained in other medical specialties, but are not trained in any Plastic Surgery techniques during their original medical training. Training in a procedure may involve a 2-3 day weekend course. Make sure you consult with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, or call 1-800-845-0034 to find one in your area.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.