What kinds of things can I do with Scribd?
Scribd is full of cool and interesting features that will transform how you work with documents on the web! • Upload documents in many different formats, including Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, plain text, HTML, PowerPoint, Excel, OpenOffice, JPEG, and more! • Embed your documents in a blog, Facebook profile, or other external website with your fonts, images, and formatting fully intact • Host a document at Scribd with its own unique URL • Unlimited storage – upload as many documents as you like • Your choice of one of four uploaders that best suits your needs • Fast indexing by Google and other major search engines will ensure that your content is easily found by just about everyone! • Keep certain documents private or share with a limited number of friends • Automatically convert published content into PDF, Word, and plain text • Analyze your viewers by location, Google referral, and more • Find documents similar to yours • Receive feedback and comments from Scribd’s communit