What made Kevin a good Lex Luther?
Singer: He can balance comedy with sadism better than any actor I know. I knew that and in developing the role I always viewed him in my head and it enabled us to write certain moments because I knew I would ask him to do the role. I thought he’d say yes. I hoped he’d say yes. I assumed he’d say yes and then he could execute those moments. And this gives you freedom to be a little wacky and a little vicious. He can do those two things very well. Q: Why Kate Bosworth for Lois? Singer: I had seen in her “Beyond the Sea,” Kevin Spacey’s movie that he had directed. I watched it twice. She was really great in the movie. I called Kevin about her and he said she was terrific to work with. Very trusting and then she has great chemistry in the room with Brandon. Q: You left the X-Men franchise to shoot this. Have you seen the latest film? Singer: I did. I went opening night to the Chinese Theatre. Q: What about it did you like? Singer: I thought when you have to balance all of those characters