What Mailing lists are there for the Palladium RPGs?
Odds are, if you’re reading this, you know of the Palladium Mailing List at ground-zero,mit,edu (or its soon to disappear predecessor at dante.neonexus.com). However, if you stumbled on this FAQ through web browsing, and would like to know more, follow the link below to the list’s home page. Palladium Mailing List Home Page. This list is dedicated to Palladium Books games in general, with Rifts being the dominant subject game, with half the remaining traffic generally centered on one RPG over the rest (in the past, this has been Nightbane or Robotech, but HU and even Ninja & Superspies have dominated list traffic for several weeks at a time). At least one Palladium employee (Wayne Smith, editor of the Rifter) is on the list, but on an unofficial capacity. ***************** There is also a list specifically dedicated to the Palladium Fantasy RPG.