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What percentage of court cases reach a guilty verdict?


What percentage of court cases reach a guilty verdict?


Dear Liam, Again you pose a very controversial question but a good one so here goes. In the USA most of the people who are taken to the Court system are generally ones who have been in trouble with the Law many times and are guilty of some crime albeit maybe not the one they are charged with. so in many, many of the cases they have a plea bargain in which a person will admit to a lessor charge for less time in jail, prison or probation. They also have a deferral system if you go to drug or alcohol deferred sentencing and you complete the program then you will have the charge wiped or expunged from your record after 1 year if there are no further charges of drugs or alcohol usage in that year. Then there are major Felony case in which the people are generally found guilty and if they are a first time offender then there could be leniency by the Judge or at the behest of the prosecutor and the felon’s lawyer (or Barrister as you call them). A plea bargain could also happen to this person

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.