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What perennials don moles eat?

EAT moles perennials Virginia
10 Posted

What perennials don moles eat?


Actually moles don’t eat perennials, they eat insects and earthworms. It is the voles or meadow mice that are eating garden perennials, in addition to grass seeds and stems. Moles have paddle-shaped front feet for digging. Voles resemble furry mice with short tails. There are some commercial repellent products, and even more home remedies, to control these. Many of these seem more annoying to humans than moles and voles, and are often of little effect. Poison baits are not recommended as they can be quite toxic to non-target organisms (humans, pets), and work their way into the wildlife food chain. The best control seems to be traps. I use a mouse snap trap, baited with peanut butter, and placed at the opening of an active tunnel. I then cover the opening and trap with a clay pot, which is attractive, keeps other critters out of the trap, and makes the critter think the trap is in the tunnel. Traps are most effective in spring and fall when these are most active.

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