What PropNET strategies assure that split-frequency DX operations are not interfered with?
It should be noted that split-frequency operators are likewise required to assure that their transmission isn’t interfering with other band occupants. They are equally obligated to apply “good amateur practice”. If a “split operating” DX station is transmitting on a frequency that is likewise occupied by a PropNET station and the PropNET station can hear the DX station, the PropNET station will not transmit. Of course, once the DX station ceases transmitting and begins listening “up 2kHz” for replies, the PropNET station will then transmit, as it perceives the frequency to be vacant (which it technically is). Rhetorically, how long should a PropNET station hold-off transmitting? A similar question could be asked of an SSB station when, during contests one often hears a station ask, “Is the frequency in use?” and half a second later begins calling “CQ”. 🙂 Improvement is a continuous process. Please offer strategies to consider as the PropNET founders attempt to evolve the system’s “aut