What Treatment Hopes to Accomplish?
Islamic Spiritual Healing has been practiced since the dawn of history. This positive energy sophisticated yet miraculous form of healing by Nur or Noor is sure cure for all kinds of Physiological, Psychological and Sociological problems, disorders or diseases if manipulated properly. It is a complete natural holistic soul mind body healing. There are literally over-the-counter divine medicines, and their alleged benefits cover just about every disease imaginable. The Islamic Spiritual Healing is used in two ways: as a supplement with/to a conventional medicines or as a substitute for conventional or any alternative medicines. When used as complementary medicine it do speed up healing process remarkably. You can consider Islamic Spiritual Healing for all kind of choric, acute diseases or auto-immune diseases. Even through Islamic Spiritual Healing we have cured may those aliments which are still not unknown or incurable by new sciences. By this form of treatment we have successfully cu