What type of company records are held by BC Archives?
BC Archives holds operational records of some private companies, for example the BC Land and Investment Company and Britannia Mines. You can search for these in the textual records catalogue. In addition, we hold specific records filed with the British Columbia Registrar of Companies and Registrar of Societies. These records include annual reports of inactive companies and societies that have been dissolved or removed from the registries for more than ten years. To determine whether a company or society file is held by the BC Archives, please contact the Corporate Registry at http://www.fin.gov.bc.ca/registries/corppg/default.htm You will need to supply the BC Archives with the registry search information to identify and locate the file. Please note that the records contained within the files are the documents that were required to be filed with the Corporate Registry under the Companies Act or Societies Act. These files do not contain the operational records of a company.
BC Archives holds operational records of some private companies, for example the BC Land and Investment Company and Britannia Mines. You can search for these in the textual records catalogue. In addition, we hold specific records filed with the British Columbia Registrar of Companies and Registrar of Societies. These records include annual reports of inactive companies and societies that have been dissolved or removed from the registries for more than ten years. To determine whether a company or society file is held by the BC Archives, please contact the Corporate Registry at http://www.fin.gov.bc.ca/registries/corppg/default.htm You will need to supply the BC Archives with the registry search information to identify and locate the file. Please note that the records contained within the files are the documents that were required to be filed with the Corporate Registry under the Companies Act or Societies Act. These files do not contain the operational records of a company.