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What types of data is featured in Essential Science Indicators?


What types of data is featured in Essential Science Indicators?


Types of data featured in Essential Science Indicators include most cited scientist rankings, institutional (university, corporate, government research lab) rankings, country rankings, and journal rankings. Rankings are broken out by field as well as overall. Highly cited papers as well as a special set of papers called Hot Papers are available and can be searched. Another unique feature is the listing of research areas called Research Fronts, algorithmically derived topics reflecting research intensive and breakthrough areas of current science. Tabular data on citations per paper baselines and citation percentiles are presented for each field of science. Brief editorial discussions provide guidance on data analysis and interpretation and enhance the tables, charts, and other data sets presented in the product. An editorial feature called Special Topics gives special attention to selected areas of research. The main methodology page, containing all links, can be found at: http://scienc

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.