What types of sensory changes occur after breast augmentation plastic surgery?
There are two types of sensory changes that a woman may experience after breast augmentation surgery. Temporary and permanent changes may occur in the breasts. These can occur on the skin of the breast and or involve the nipple areolar skin. The most common nerve injuries are temporary and may only last a few days. Some women will note that they have decreased sensation in certain areas of their breast skin or nipple and within a few days it improves and then resolves. Some may note a dulled sensory change that as it heals becomes sensitive to the touch (hypersensitive) that also resolves with time. These hypersensitive changes usually last a few weeks. Rarely, some women may experience a very sharp, severe pain that truely limits their activities. This type of pain is also short lived and typically goes away within a week or two. Permanent sensory changes are ones that still exist after a year. They would normally be a loss of sensation in a limited area of the breast or nipple.