What Usenet groups discuss or are relevant to the 2600/7800?
There are several groups: * rec.games.video.classic * rec.games.video.marketplace * rec.games.video.atari * alt.atari.2600 * alt.atari.2600vcs * alt.atari.2600.programming * alt.atari.2600.vcs * alt.games.atari rec.games.video.classic (rgvc) is probably the best place to start, as it is carried in most newsfeeds and generally has the most traffic. rec.games.video.marketplace is for the buying and selling of video games and systems and is not limited to atari or even classic systems. It is dominated by post-classic ads, which is why you will often see buy/sell/auction posts in rgvc. rec.games.video.atari usually contains Jaguar discussion, but will occasionally digress into 2600/7800 discussion when it pertains to the Jaguar (e.g. Tempest 2000). The five atari alt groups are not carried by many newsfeeds; consequently, the traffic in these groups is minimal. Do not post to alt.2600 or any of its subgroups about the Atari 2600/7800. That group is for discussion of hacking and phreaking a