Whats Green Thing trying to achieve?
Green Thing wants to help make a difference in the fight against climate change. We want to make a greener life something that’s simple and enjoyable so that it appeals to an unprecedented number of people. As one of our environmental advisors George Marshall, founder of the Climate Outreach Information Network and the author of “Carbon Detox”, puts it: “Green Thing is a breath of fresh air. It’s quirky, funny and speaks in a quite new way to a new constituency. It is the best attempt I have seen to redefine sustainable lifestyles as a smart, sexy, fashionable and fun way to live and something worthwhile on its own terms.” In terms of the CO2 reductions Green Thing is trying to achieve, according to most calculations, our planet can only safely absorb about 1 tonne of carbon per person per year (George Monbiot calculates the figure should be no higher than 0.33 tonnes per person per year by 2030). The global average is currently between 3.9 to 4.5 tonnes per person, but in most develop