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Whats new in the IBM Support Assistant V4.0?

Assistant IBM support

Whats new in the IBM Support Assistant V4.0?


• New Architecture and Remote System Troubleshooting – The IBM Support Assistant V4.0 not only provides a Workbench for problem determination and analysis on the local system where it is installed, but now also provides an Agent. The Support Assistant Agent can be installed on any system that you wish to troubleshoot remotely. For example, the Workbench can be installed on your Windows or Linux workstation, whereas the Agent can be installed on your servers (test, staging, etc.). When it’s time to transfer files from the servers, the Workbench can communicate with the Agents so an administrator can transfer files, run remote data collection scripts and analyze artifacts on the servers, all from the convenience of the Workstation. • Activity-based Workflow – The Support Assistant now groups various actions geared towards a similar goal into “Activities”. Users may choose from support-related activities such as “Find Information”, “Analyze Problem” and “Manage Service Request”, or use th

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.