Whats Proper Etiquette for Thank-You Notes?
Your best bet is to get your thank-you notes written and sent out as soon as you receive a gift. You’ll have plenty more to write after the wedding is over. You wouldn’t want to overlook the thoughtfulness of those who cared enough to send gifts before your wedding. If you can write these thank-you notes ahead of time, the whole process will surely seem like less of a chore. And your notes will sound more heartfelt; they’ll come across as more enthusiastic and sincere if you write them right away. Use the generic store-bought note cards for the thank-you notes you write before your wedding. If you have some stationery with your maiden name on it, you can use that now too. Save your formal notes, printed with your married name, for after the wedding. It wouldn’t be correct to use them beforehand since they’re printed with a name that isn’t yet yours. Your friends and relatives who have already sent gifts will no doubt be thrilled to hear from you so soon. Peggy Post, our etiquette exper