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When is the best time to schedule an initial consultation?

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When is the best time to schedule an initial consultation?


Every child should see an orthodontist at an early age. This could be as young as 2 or 3, but should be no later than age 7. Early consultation allows the orthodontist to determine the optimum time for treatment to begin. Many parents and some family dentists assume that they must wait until a child has all of his or her permanent teeth, only to find out that treatment would have been much easier if started earlier. Early treatment can eliminate the need for more drastic measures. In some cases, satisfactory results are unattainable once the face and jaws have finished growing. With proper timing, children may not have to endure years of embarrassment. Adults can be treated at any age as long as the gums and bone holding the teeth are healthy.


Every child should see an orthodontist at an early age. We start seeing patients at age 7. By then, the 6 year molars have grown in behind the baby teeth, and the front teeth are erupting into place. An early consultation will allow Dr. Wilkinson to determine the optimum time for treatment to begin. Many parents and some family dentists assume that they must wait until a child has all of his or her permanent teeth, only to find out that treatment would have even much easier if started earlier. Early treatment can eliminate the need for more drastic measures. In some cases, satisfactory results are unattainable without surgery once the face and jaws have finished growing. With proper timing, children may not have to endure years of embarrassment.


The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that every child visit an orthodontist by age 7 – or earlier if an orthodontic problem is detected by parents, the family dentist or the child s physician. Early consultation allows the orthodontist to determine the optimum time for treatment of the child s particular problem for maximum improvement with the least time and expense.


Every child should see an orthodontist at an early age. This could be as young as 2 or 3, but By age 7, enough permanent teeth have come in and enough jaw growth has occurred, that problems can be identified. Early consultation allows the orthodontist to determine the optimum time for treatment to begin. Many parents and some family dentists assume that they must wait until a child has all of his or her permanent teeth, only to find out that treatment would have been much easier if started earlier. Early treatment can eliminate the need for more drastic measures. In some cases, satisfactory results are unattainable once the face and jaws have finished growing. With proper timing, children may not have to endure years of embarrassment. Adults can be treated at any age as long as the gums and bone holding the teeth are healthy.


Early consultation allows the orthodontist to determine the optimum time for treatment to begin. In some cases, satisfactory results are unattainable once the face and jaws have finished growing. Seven years old is a good rule of thumb for a child unless you see a noticeable problem earlier. Early examination often permits maximum improvement with the least amount of time and expense.

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