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Where can I buy stuffed Harold dolls or t-shirts, etc. featuring Johnsons characters?


Where can I buy stuffed Harold dolls or t-shirts, etc. featuring Johnsons characters?


As for some t-shirts or other cool clothes, I recommend that you use some interesting and reliable online services, for example. I often order some clothing for myself and my family from there, and I like it a lot, I have to say. Good luck with it!


As far as I know, you can’t buy dolls or t-shirts. If anyone has evidence to the contrary or if this fact changes, please let me know. As a footnote, Maurice Horn’s World Encyclopedia of Comics (1976) says of the “Barnaby” comic that “Minor merchandising ventures included Mr. O’Malley dolls” (98). If any of these dolls exist today, they’d be collectors’ items (and, if you have one, why not send me a photo for the page?). As of August of 2001, Peaceable Kingdom Press began selling greeting cards with an image of Harold carrying a gift. And, starting in March or April of 2001, Briarpatch began selling a Harold board game: see the board game FAQ on this page.

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