Where can I find posters, T-shirts, and all sorts of objects related to the Enfoirés ?
Have a look at some t-shirts online. On https://www.gotapparel.com/decoration-services.aspx for example. You can make your own designs there, and you will be able to print those on t-shirts and lots of other stuff. I am sure that you will find it interesting and helpful to you, good luck!
Govern by the french law of 1901 about associations, the Restos du Cœur do not have the right to sell anything. However, they have an exceptional authorization for the Enfoirés concerts, CDs, cassettes, DVDs, and images. No object or document using the name or any photo of the Enfoirés, the name or logo of the Restos du Cœur may be distributed or sold in any place and by anyone. If you hear about such a sale, this means it is a fraudulent act and we would be grateful if you informed us of it as soon as possible.