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Where do I input the details for ordering a crystal charm?

charm crystal input ordering

Where do I input the details for ordering a crystal charm?


Generally, crystal charms are designed according to the design of the jewelry piece. However, if you are ordering multiple crystal charms and would like to specify the exact crystals for each charm, you may do so in the ‘Special Requests’ box. Also, if you prefer a different crystal color(s) than the birthstone(s) or colors you are ordering for the bracelet design, you may make a note in the ‘Special Requests’ box. Example: “January crystal for crystal charm.” For multiple crystals and/or multiple charms, please make sure to input them in order (left -top to right-bottom). Some, prefer to have the birthstones of their children or grandchildren on the bracelet. Then, instead of getting a crystal charm(s) with the same birthstones, they use ‘their’ birthstone on the crystal charm.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.