Where does the love go after my seperation?
The ball is in your court. You went back to him after he cheated on you but he seems to have it backwards. You did him a favor, not the other way around. By his cheating, he put you in the position to have to think for yourself, support yourself and during that time you got to know yourself. He wants it his way. He wants to be able to tell you what to do and go back to his controlling ways, brow beating you into submission. God doesn’t want us to live in misery just to hold a marriage together, especially to a husband that doesn’t know the meaning of his vows or even the Ten Commandments. It’s not what it is about. He broke the bonds of trust when he slept with another woman. You went back to him and you regret it. What does that tell you? In answer to your question, your husband chipped away at your love for him by treating you like crap and trying to make you submissive to him.