Which dog breeds would be good to have around children?
Any dog can be very gentle provided they recieve the right training. I don’t recommend a puppy, as you have enough work on your hands with kids, and a puppy is only more work. Try adopting an adult from your shelter, one that has been in foster homes and loves kids. You didn’t say anythin specific about your preferences, so I recommend a nice mutt. ADD-Jim Halpert doesn’t know what he is talking about. Huskies, along with Malmutes and Akitas, are the some of the most difficult breeds there are. They howl, escape, have huge energy levels, shed, disobey, and run away.
Just to say that although Bassets are a great family pet, if you are going to be fostering very young children, please don’t get one. Young children tend to pull ears etc. and the long ears of a Basset are a magnet to kids. Bassets will tolerate a certain amount of being pulled around, but it really isn’t fair to put one in the middle of all that. I never sold a puppy to people with children under 5 I’m afraid. Older is fine, and as a breed, they love being in the middle of a human pack. And remember Bassets may be low to the ground, but they are not small dogs, and take up as much floor area as a Lab does. They also do need exercise, and a well-fenced property, despite their laid-back appearance. They are a hunting breed, and that’s always in there, somewhere. I also wonder whether you should get into your fostering first, before bringing a dog into the fold too. You are right about having a puppy!! If I were you, I think, once you have settled into fostering, I’d take the family down