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Which foods are best at fighting disease? Which foods have high ORAC scores?

best disease foods high ORAC scores

Which foods are best at fighting disease? Which foods have high ORAC scores?


This is easy. Plant foods have the highest ORAC scores! Plant foods are best at fighting disease. By plant foods we mean: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and many other things. Brightly colored foods are the ones with the highest ORAC scores. This means these are the foods that help fight disease the best by stopping oxygen radicals from causing damage in our bodies. Think bright reds, greens, oranges, blues, purples, yellows, and oranges. What foods do these words describe? Strawberries, spinach, blueberries, blackberries, eggplant, yellow peppers, carrots, and oranges. Nearly all of the ORAC protection is in the skin of these foods. Any brightly colored fruits and vegetables that you can think of are good for you to include in your diet EVERY DAY! As a matter of fact, research shows that people who eat more of these plant foods have lower risk of cancer.

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