Who faced a problem with WP themes in general?
I didn’t face some big problems with themes. I usually use professional, premium themes, for example look good review about Avada 5.0 and Monstroid 2.0 onĀ TemplateMonster. It is in competition type, so it’s interesting. And if even you have some problems, for these themesĀ provided 24/7 support.
CMS is a nice option for a personal website but if you need a business website, it’s not the right approach to use CMS. In such case, the only option is hiring a good web development company. Or at least you need to hire an experienced web developer.
Yes , sometimes you can face problems while using general themes in wordpress but the reason maybe is that, you are not a wordrpress expert and you are just following instructions. You can hire wordpress developer to make your website fully functional and developed.