Head lice have been found on people of all socio-economic levels. Children, particularly those of elementary school age, are most likely to get head lice because of their close contact and social interactions with each other (e.g., sharing hats, combs and brushes). • IS IT TRUE THAT AFRICAN-AMERICANS DO NOT GET HEAD LICE? No. Although factors such as hair texture may make African-Americans less likely than Caucasians to get head lice, they are not immune to becoming infested. • HOW CAN YOU TELL IF SOMEONE HAS HEAD LICE? Lice cause intense itching of the scalp. Parents and teachers should watch for children who scratch their heads constantly or excessively. In such cases, check the scalp for nits or lice. If you’re not sure what to look for, ask for help from someone who can positively identify the eggs or the insects. • HOW CAN I CHECK MYSELF OR MY CHILD FOR HEAD LICE? One simple way to check for lice is to have the person hold their head over a light-colored towel. Then, brush the hai