Who is Winston Churchill?
” And Dr Gallup, I remember at the time, was scolded for bad taste but his distinction was to be the first man to want to find out what the people really felt and not what editors or public men told us they felt. His strength was to ask rude questions that went like a stake through the heart of preconceptions and popular false assumptions. Well 96% of the English population knew all or much about Churchill. But 4% had never heard of him. They were farmers. Most, if not all, had no radio and they all lived in one county. Its identity was never published. So far as I know it remained a secret known only to Dr Gallup, as the identity of the Washington Post’s Deep Throat is locked still in the bosom of the editor of the Post at the time of Watergate. By the way I wonder how many people know the identity of the retired BBC executive who was, in semi-retirement, appointed to be the policy advisor to the director general. He was known as Deep Thought. Well all this flowed naturally from my ru