Who provides assistance in the refugee resettlement process?
The US Refugee Resettlement Program is managed and implemented by a variety of US Government bodies in partnership with private voluntary agencies. Each agency plays an important role in this critical program.The Department of Homeland Security/US Citizenship & Immigration Service (USCIS) has the statutory authority to determine which applicants meet the requirements for refugee status and are eligible for the US Refugee Resettlement Program. Officials of the USCIS conduct interviews to determine the eligibility of individuals for the resettlement program prior to their arrival in the United States.The State Department’s Bureau for Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) plays an important role in the US Refugee Resettlement Program through coordinating resettlement policy; managing overseas processing, cultural orientation, and transportation to the US; and providing funds to private voluntary agencies for initial reception and placement activities for newly arrived refugees. These