Why are Reciprocal Links useful?
If you want to increase your sales, you need to increase your presence in the marketplace. Reciprocal links help drive the traffic between two sites to improve presence, which in turn helps each site become more popular. The more people aware of your website, the more likely that you’ll increase your sales. Google and other search engines assign their rankings partly on the basis of links because websites that are linked together by similar interests are deemed more worthy and more relevant by peers. Google relies on others to judge the worthiness of sites. “Increasing the number of relevant reciprocal links will improve search engine rankings that will in turn increase the site’s readership and popularity and will help both sites prosper.” What does a “Reciprocal Link” look like? See how OnlyAtFarmersMarkets.com linked to “Wild Bill’s Country Mustard” site here. Now see how Bill Nessel at “Wild Bill’s Country Mustard” created a reciprocal link back to OnlyAtFarmersMarkets.com using ou