Why are some bishops not in favor of withholding Communion?
Many feel uncomfortable with using the Eucharist–the highest expression of Jesus’ sacrifice for humanity–as a tool for enforcing political views. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of the Washington D.C. archdiocese has written that “I do not favor a confrontation at the altar rail with the sacred body of the Lord Jesus in my hand.” They may also feel the Eucharist is too necessary to one’s spiritual well-being to be withheld.Many bishops and conservative Catholics would prefer that Kerry simply did not present himself for Communion.
Many feel uncomfortable with using the Eucharist–the highest expression of Jesus’ sacrifice for humanity–as a tool for enforcing political views. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of the Washington D.C. archdiocese has written that “I do not favor a confrontation at the altar rail with the sacred body of the Lord Jesus in my hand.” They may also feel the Eucharist is too necessary to one’s spiritual well-being to be withheld. Many bishops and conservative Catholics would prefer that Kerry simply did not present himself for Communion.