Why did God allow musical instruments in worship under the Old Law, but not under the New?
Under any covenant, people are only permitted to do as much as God commanded. Under the Old Covenant, God seems to have commanded the Israelites to use musical instruments (2 Chronicles 29:25). So, the writers of the Psalms sometimes mentioned praising God with instruments (cf. Psalm 150). However, in the New Covenant, the only musical instrument God has authorized is the heart (Eph. 5:19). We are to, sing, and make melody in our hearts. By specifying the heart as the instrument of praise, God excludes all other instruments. As to why God chose to do things this way, we are not told, but we can know what it takes to please Him! 8. If I choose to obey some parts of the Old Covenant (like instrumental music or worship on the Sabbath day), can I still be saved under the New Covenant? No! You cannot be under two laws at the same time (Rom. 7:1-4), and if you attempt to keep any part of the Old Law, you are obligated to keep all of it (James 2:10-11; Galatians 3:10). In the first century th