Why do Catholics make statues and bow down and pray to them when the 10 Commandments says not to?
As was stated previously, Jews, Catholics and some Protestants summarize the First Commandment into, I am the Lord your God. You shall have no other gods before me. Do these complete verses talk extensively about not making graven (carved) images, not making a likeness of anything that is in heaven or on the earth and not bowing down to or serving them? Yes. So why do Catholics feel that it is not only ok but actually correct to do this? Because God himself contradicts the Protestant interpretation of these words. Catholics believe that idolatry is a very serious sin. You should also know that CATHOLICS DO NOT WORSHIP MARY OR THE SAINTS OR STATUES OF THEM. This would be idolatry! And we would be seriously wrong! We do however venerate (honor) them. We look at what idolatry actually is and the problem which God was actually addressing. The Jews of that time made these idols to worship them. They actually believed that the golden calf that they made was a god to be worshipped and praised