Why does the government want to encourage investment in renewable fuel products?
Fossil fuel supplies, while vast, are limited. Renewable fuels (biomass, such as wood and pellets), are derived from organic materials like trees and plants, which can be grown and harvested in sustainable forests. We want to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. Combining renewable fuels with a high efficiency stove gives you a viable alternative to heating with oil, natural gas and propane, and you are helping to lessen our countrys dependence on foreign oil. Biomass fuels are carbon neutral. When biomass is burned, only the carbon the tree or plant absorbed while growing is released into the air nothing more. We all want clean air. Burning biomass in a pellet or EPA-certified wood unit eliminates 75% of the emissions associated with fossil fuel heating, and produces minimal outside air emissions. Efficiency and ease of use have caught up to the 21st century. These are not your parents and grandparents stoves! Todays appliances are significantly more efficient than dated models, prod