Why don the residents of Tent City use an abandoned building instead?
SHARE/WHEEL does develop many other kinds of shelter, including a Bunkhouse, which was basically an abandoned building that we renovated. The Bunkhouse, however, took a lot of time and effort to open. The reason that we advocate for Tent Cities is that homelessness is an emergency, and tents are an emergency response. They can be moved and put up quickly. This is why tent cities are often raised by the Red Cross or other groups in response to any other emergency that leaves hundreds of people homeless, such as a flood or an earthquake. The process of using an abandoned building for shelter is as long and complex as opening any other kind of indoors shelter. Buildings apparently empty and unused aren’t always abandoned. They usually have an owner who intends eventual development or sale, and is not always willing to let homeless people use the property in the meantime. Even if the building is actually abandoned, obtaining clear legal use of the building usually means paying somebody som