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Why has temperature gotten so high when Western intellectuals discuss Islam and immigration ?


Why has temperature gotten so high when Western intellectuals discuss Islam and immigration ?


Western intellectuals have welcomed non-European immigration to White countries since the Cultural Revolution of 1968. One of their happiest and most celebrated slogans was “Tear down the fences !”. The sixty-eighters set the standard for actual Western ideology : All humans are equal if only they are freed from history, traditions, religion and ideas from the past. The sixty-eighters still cherish the revolutionary “laws” from the tragic French Revolution of 1789 : The Human Rights. The Human Rights are timeless and placeless and are therefore fit for universal nonsense. Being totally equal to all cultured peoples of the world, revolutionary Westerners think themselves welcome in all cultures. They started to travel extensively from the 70s in order to discover Humanity, defined by themselves as a global community of mellow persons. They studied “anthropology”, looked for drugs in Mexico, India, North-Africa and Bali, and discovered very quickly that Western culture was dull. They fou

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