Why have you set the limit for reporting zero capacity at 100 MW if power plant capacities upward of 20 MW are taken into account?
The EU has issued a directive on data transparency that is also being transposed into German law: it requires the publication of market-relevant data on production for power plant capacities upward of 20 MW. Anticipating this move, RWE is already publishing to meet the new requirements. The reports concern plant sizes that might impact price formation at the power exchange. There, it is the larger power plants in particular that play an important role, and smaller stations only if, in total, they account for major outages. That is why we have set the limit for reporting disruptions at 100 MW. An example: 100 MW from a base-load power plant supplies some 220,000 households. If such a capacity is suddenly not available, the demand must be met by the wholesale market in some other way. The abrupt rise in demand may impact the price.