Why is organic food so expensive?
For a farmer, going organic isn’t just a matter of throwing a “Save the Earth” sticker on the back of the truck and driving around town. There are strict rules that have to be followed in order to get the coveted “organic” certification. The process is expensive, and can require multiple inspections of all the areas of the farm to make sure the entire operation is chemical-free. Also, organic food costs are higher because organic farmers are ineligible for some of the subsidies that their chemical-squirting colleagues can receive and meat farmers must give their animals organic feed, which can be as much as double the price of conventional feed. Organic food proponents counter the claim that organic food is too expensive by pointing to the fact that the small price you pay upfront outweighs the cost of the potential ailments incurred by ingesting chemical-laden food. If the higher up-front cost means you can’t go full-bore organic, try implementing a few staples. Rice, peppers, corn, p