Why isn Logtool generating any logs?
The user reported that “when I select FILE … Select raw … there are no files in /var/stm/logs/os.” There are two reasons why Logtool hasn’t generated any logtools. First and most likely scenario: If no errors have been detected, no log files will have been created. This behavior is different than logtool in “Sherlock”, the diagnostic system previous to STM. The old logtool always created a log file, even though it didn’t have anything to log. If you would like to verify that Logtool is working correctly, you can purposely cause an error to generate a log. A good way to cause an event to be generated is to put a bad tape in a tape drive, then try to read from it. Second scenario (unlikely): If “diagmond”, the diagnostic daemon, or “diaglogd”, the logging daemon, are not running, then no log files will be created.