Why would white smoke come out from under the hood with a smell inside the car like burning rubber?
97 cad sls white smoke near windshield smell like… 97 cadillac sls smokes little puffs of smoke that comes out of the engine it smells like rubber burning sandralboothDec 25, 2008Cars & Trucks159 Views1 Solution White smoke coming from AC and under hoods smells… I’ve got a 2000 Passat Wagon. It’s a V6. Occasionally a white smoke either comes through the AC vents or from under the hood. … jpseasiaFeb 6, 2009Cars & Trucks589 Views1 Solution smoke and it smells comes out of vents when ac on… turn ac on it started to smoke and it quit and it does smells burnt latiolaisterAug 20, 2009Cars & Trucks113 Views3 Solutions White smoke and the smell White smoke and the smell of burning rubber. I have had lots maintenance of work done to my car. I was starting to notice and smell…