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Will Washing My Face with Antibacterial Hand Soap Clear Acne?


Will Washing My Face with Antibacterial Hand Soap Clear Acne?


Will Washing My Face with Antibacterial Hand Soap Clear Acne?Answer: It’s true that the bacterium Propioni acnes is one factor linked to acne development. Reducing acne-causing bacteria can have a positive effect on your skin. But antibacterial hand soap isn’t great choice if you’re looking for a facial cleanser to treat acne. First off, antibacterial hand soaps are made for, well, your hands. The skin on your hands can generally tolerate stronger cleansers than can the delicate skin on your face. Using hand soap on the face can easily over-dry and irritate your skin. Secondly, bacteria is only one piece of the acne-causing puzzle. There are other factors at work too — hormones, abnormal shedding of skin cells, overactive sebaceous glands, development of

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.