Dining Purrfection

Dining Purrfection

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  1. I found a beautiful old table out in the barn. It cleaned up magnificently. I spread a pastel green linen cover on top of it and made toast with sweet cream acorn butter and spicy apple chutney. I crumbled up a slice or two on china plates at the tables end while claiming the chair at the table’s head  to enjoy my breakfast. Seven precious barn swallows came to join me. They made cheerful chirping music between their nibblings. We got along quite graciously.

    At lunch I made white albacore tuna sandwiches with pimento, apple, celery, boiled egg and pecan dices , paprika and other tasty wonders. I took it to the back deck and prepared a black cast iron table housing a glass top. Two cats and 3 kittens came to dine. I made them one huge sandwich and sliced it up into bite size pieces which I distributed on 5 decorator saucers. I brewed myself some pau d’ arco tea and warmed my guests milk serving it in cups which matched their saucers. We enjoyed each others company quite purrfectly/

    That evening I attended a fine dinner. The $500 a plate event was sponsoring  a worthy cause. The meal consisted of raw fish, very rare roast beef, pastes, pastas and forty three different types of liquor. There were many countries represented. There were multiple politicians and a myriad of controversial left, right, middle of the road and way out there wing positions.  The atmosphere was chilly at best with diverse stands being taken verbally at octaves heard beyond the walls of the building and way out onto the street.

    I packaged my plate to go. It was in opposition to my palette and I returned to the farm leaving the rebel rousers to sharpen their tongues on one another. Arriving home I found the swallows fast asleep. My 5 felines became the recipients of $100 per plate morsels. I made myself hot cocoa with cream and wild cherry brandy which I had also packaged in a cup to go. I explained to my company that when it came to politics and world affair debates among folks who were powerless to make effective changes that my check would be in the mail and my person at home with my furry and feathered friends. They did not respond as they had finished their meal, licking their plates clean and curled up on the couch and gone to sleep. 


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