Getting Started Guide

Getting Started Guide

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  1. So you just signed up and you are ready to go.  

    First things first.  A while ago we all decided in order to have a vibrant community related to expertise we really needed real names and profiles.  Make sure to complete your profile fully so you can engage better.

    Step 1.  Fully Finish Your Profile.  Make sure to add your topics of expertise.

    Step 2.  Ask your Question, Answer a Question, Vote, Write an Article

    Step 3.  Check Your Expertise Points and get to the next level.  As you earn more points you earn more functionality.  For Experts this is especially important since it gives you more tools to distribute your content as you prove your expertise.

    When you first start off you need to start earning points to get to Level 1 in your topic of expertise.  You can earn points in your topic of expertise now by Answering Questions and Writing Articles.  (You can also add video to an article)

    There are 3 main types of users on the platform we are trying to serve.

    Sharers – You just really want to share and help people.  We want to make it easier and easier for you to share what you know with others in need and with your friends with Expert Tips! and Articles.

    Learners – You have questions.  Well, we have plenty of people with answers.  We are working to build a platform for you to engage beyond just a search.

    Earners/Provers/Promoters – We are working on this vision where you can promote your expertise in a really positive way to your audience.  The toolset we provide lets you demonstrate expertise through the Expertise Points and Expertise Levels.  This is all about helping people.  Helping your audience get what they need and helping you promote your expertise and business.

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