Can excessive masturbation cause temporary erectile dysfunction? What about lack of sleep?
From what I know, excessive masturbation shouldn’t cause any problems, while a prolonged lack of sleep might not leave any energy for masturbation, let alone for other activities. In the case of not having an erection when attempting to masturbate, it might not necessarily be the cause of erectile dysfunction, you simply could have done it often enough that it stopped being exciting for you. If that is the case, then I recommend which I’ve been using myself to make things more pleasant for myself.
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Erectile function is an ongoing problem with attaining an erection. Masturbation relieves the need to ejaculate, so the erection will subside, which is normal, it isn’t ED. Quite a few factors can contribute towards the inability to achieve an erection, such as physical exhaustion, stress and psychological problems. Obviously, if you can masturbate, you don’t have ED. After having an orgasm, the body usually needs time to recover, and that’s why another erection usually isn’t achieved for awhile afterwards.