How can I integrate Suns J2SE SDK with Debian 3.0?
The procedure is similar to the one described for Debian 3.1 . However, the java-common in stable does not have the *.control files. Therefore, you need to install the java-common package from testing or unstable. Versions 0.19 and 0.20 can be safely be installed and require the installation of the equivs package, but the one from stable is just fine. Notice, however, that newer J2SE versions (notably 1.4.2_04 instead of 1.4.1_02) might depend on newer libc6 or libgcc1 libraries. If you cannot backport (recompile) this package to your libraries you will need are limited to using jdk 1.3.1-11 (which requires libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1 from the oldlibs section).