How can I integrate Suns J2SE SDK with Debian 3.1?
Warren Dodge explains how this can be done for Debian testing: the first step is to download the J2SE SDK components from into, e.g. /var/install/java/1.4.2. Make sure that you have write permission to the directory, and make the installer executable. Running the installer ./j2sdk-1_4_2_02-linux-i586.bin will create a directory j2sdk1_4_2_02 which can be moved to /usr/local/lib. Next, create a link ln -s /usr/local/lib/j2sdk1_4_2_02 /usr/local/lib/jdk which allows you to use the latter location to refer to the Java environment and makes upgrading a lot easier in the future. Because Debian does not have an installer packages for Sun’s J2SE, a dummy package needs to be made to let Debian know that a J2SE is installed. This is done as follows.