How do I draw a split rail fence?
Foundation and CornersDraw the foundation of the fence. The fence foundation can be any angular shape, but a parallelogram works particularly well for beginners. Draw two vertical corner fence posts where the front angles of your shape meet. The size of your fence posts will vary depending on where your fence rests in the picture plane. Draw two more vertical corner fence posts where the back two angles meet. These fence posts should be slightly smaller than the front two posts. Erase the foundation line. It is no longer necessary for your picture.Front and Side RailingDraw a 45-degree angle line from the top portion of the front fence post to the top portion of the back fence post to connect the left and right side fence sections. Draw a second line slightly below the first line, again at a 45-degree angle. Draw straight lines to connect the front and back sections of the fence. Use two to three lines to represent the railing.Fence Posts and ShadingAdd more fence posts. The front and