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How Do You Make A Toy Xylophone?

baby Gear Parenting toy xylophone

How Do You Make A Toy Xylophone?


If you are looking for a great indoor activity for the kids, consider making a toy xylophone. Even though the word xylophone means wood, you can make a toy xylophone from a variety of different products. Follow these steps to make a toy xylphone using PVC. Use a hacksaw or fine-toothed saw to cut six pieces of PVC pipe. The first piece is 4 inches long. Add a 1/2 inch to each additional piece. Your last piece is 6 1/2 inches long. Cut the remaining loose fragments from the ends of each piece of PVC pipe so that the ends are smooth. Rub steel wool over the exterior of each PVC pipe until smooth. Then, wash each pipe and wipe them clean of debris. Apply primer to each PVC pipe. Allow the primer to dry and then apply a different color of paint to each pipe. Allow the pipes to dry. Cut a 1/2-inch-thick board into three pieces. Two are 2-by-10 inches and one is 6-by-12 inches. Sand and then paint the boards one color. It’s best to paint these boards a color that is different from the colors

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.