How Do You Play Guitar In The Key Of C-Sharp?
The key of C# is by far the most uncommon key in guitar-driven music. If you aspire to be a virtuoso, however, you definitely need to know this key well. Review and memorize the names of the strings. Lowest to highest, they are E-A-D-G-B-E. Lay your index finger across the sixth fret, pressing down firmly on all of the strings. Place your middle finger on the eighth fret of the D string. Place your ring finger on the eighth fret of the G string. Place your pinky on the eighth fret of the B string. Strum the chord downward from the lowest strings toward the highest. Lay your index finger across all the strings on the second fret firmly to begin the F# chord. Place your middle finger on the third fret of the G string. Place your pinky on the fourth fret of the D string. Place your ring finger on the fourth fret of the A string. Strum the strings downward to play the F# chord. Lay your index finger across all the strings on the fourth fret firmly to begin the G# chord. Place your middle f