For most users NewGrips wick-away sweat. The fingerless design is the reason. (see 1. below) However, some people (my wife included) have sweatier palms than others. But Grips keep her hands cool and comfy. The best way to reduce or eliminate sweaty palms is this: 1. In between every set slip your hands out from under the elastic straps. This allows cool air to circulate and evaporate sweat. 2. Use a gym towel or your t-shirt/pants to dry your hands. 3. Apply anti-perspirant to the palms. 4. While the pads are away from your hands rub on your callus points, pushing them down; this will keep your hands callus free. 5. Apply chalk, as do gymnasts (many facilities do not allow chalk). 6. Do not begin the next set until your hands are cooled down and moisture free. (It could also be that you are working out to quickly and preventing proper cool down between sets). 7. If sweat is still an issue try wearing a pair of leather gloves or light cotton gloves under NewGrips; which will absorb swe