What are media quintiles, terciles and half-codes, and how does MRI create them?
I have bet plus but l can’t get the episodes of Sista’s
Im not getting the new episodes of Sistas l would like to know why l dont owe any payments from bet Can someone please contact me ASAP or just make the corrections on your end Also no one ever answers your phone
User’s recommendation: Undecided.
Media quintiles, terciles and half-codes are created by ranking all MRI respondents according to their reported usage of a given medium, then dividing those respondents as equally as possible into a given number of groups. For quintiles, it’s 5 groups, for terciles, 3 groups, and for half-codes, 2 groups. Quintiles are created for Total TV, Primetime TV, Magazines, Newspapers, Outdoor, Radio, Internet and Yellow Pages; Terciles are created for Daytime TV. Half-codes are created for all media.