What Is The Officially Recognized Governing body Of The Taino People?
Presently their is no one governing body of the Taino people. The majority of the Taino people and Taino groups and Tribal organizations share in a common bond of friendship. This bond is the voice of the majority of the known Taino leaders and their organizational members, throughout the Caribbean and United States diaspora. WE THE TAINO PEOPLE! In our ancient Caribbean history our humble Taino ancestors traditionally, had always referred to themselves as WE THE PEOPLE or WE The TAINO PEOPLE! The colonial Term “nation” is a European concept. It is not a Native American Indian concept nor is it of indigenous origin. Never the less our present day Jatibonicu Taino tribe and its related Taino tribal bands of Florida and New Jersey today form one Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation. Jatibonicu and its tribal council Government does not speak for all the Taino people of the Major Antilles and their community leaders. The Grand Council of the Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation speaks only for it off