Why Cross-functional Teams?
Thank you for the info here, very interesting indeed. I would also like to add that a good and productive way of managing your team is also vital these days. I would like to recommend you to take a look at the cool magnets from https://scrummagnets.com for this purpose. I think you will like those for managing your team and the project. Good luck with it 😉
To face today’s complex challenges, you need to incorporate a wide range of styles, skills, and perspectives. Cross-functional teams are regarded as a means to manage social collaboration and concept creation. Some examples of cross-functional teams are teams established to: • design and develop new products; • chose and implement new technologies throughout organization; • to improve the service-profit chain, and • to control product costs. Customer Success 360 9 Signs of a Losing Organization • Poor Cross-functional Collaboration: functional mindset; lack of cross-functional goals and cross-functional collaboration spirit; functional, not enterprise-wide business process management; no cross-functional management committees; lack of or powerless cross-functional teams… More Innovation-friendly Organization How To Break Down Barriers To Communication • Have innovation contests where cross-functional teams compete… More Kaizen Mindset • See problem solving as cross-functional syste